Word Shortcut For P With Line Over Mac

Microsoft word keyboard shortcuts mac

Note: You can define your own keyboard shortcuts with the Keyboard Shortcuts plugin


Mac users rejoice! (PC users can do this too!) I went into System Preferences, and Word preferences, and Pages preferences, and in autocorrected typed in the hex codes for 'with' 'without' and 'after' also the Rx glyph and the Micro glyph, which I just added a 'g' to the end of for short hand of Microgram. Excel Shortcuts List for Mac and PC (Searchable) How to Use this Shortcut List: + Indicates to hold the previous key, while pressing the next key. Indicates to tap the previous key, releasing it before pressing the next key. Find the shortcuts list below: # Description. Many alt-codes enter special symbols, and some (like 770) enter symbols above the previous character. Try this using Microsoft word. Type 'P' and then hold the Alt-key while typing 770 on the numeric key pad. Type 'q' and then hold the Alt-key while typing 770 on the numeric key pad. This works with Word 2003 and later, I believe. Insert or put a line over text with Equation function in Word. To insert a line over text, the normal Equation feature can help you to solve it, please do as this: 1. Click where you want to insert an over-line text, and then click Insert Equation Insert New Equation, see screenshot: 2.

FunctionShortcut Key
Undo last action Ctrl + Z
Redo last action Ctrl + Shift + Z
Cut selected text Ctrl + X
Copy selected text Ctrl + C
Paste text from clipboard Ctrl + V
Select all text Ctrl + A
Swap header / source F11
Comment highlighted code Ctrl + Shift + C
Uncomment highlighted code Ctrl + Shift + X
Duplicate line caret is on Ctrl + D
Auto-complete / Abbreviations Ctrl + Space / Ctrl + J
Show call tip Ctrl + Shift + Space
Swap line caret is on with line above it Ctrl + T
Toggle bookmark Ctrl + B
Goto previous bookmark Alt + PgUp
Goto next bookmark Alt + PgDown
Toggle current block folding F12
Toggle all folds Shift + F12

This is a list of shortcuts provided by the Code::Blocks' editor component. These shortcuts cannot be rebound.

FunctionShortcut Key
Magnify text size. Ctrl + Keypad '+'
Reduce text size. Ctrl + Keypad '-'
Restore text size to normal. Ctrl + Keypad '/'
Cycle through recent files. Ctrl + Tab
Indent block. Tab
Dedent block. Shift + Tab
Delete to start of word. Ctrl + BackSpace
Delete to end of word. Ctrl + Delete
Delete to start of line. Ctrl + Shift + BackSpace
Delete to end of line. Ctrl + Shift + Delete
Go to start of document. Ctrl + Home
Extend selection to start of document. Ctrl + Shift + Home
Go to start of display line. Alt + Home
Extend selection to start of display line. Alt + Shift + Home
Go to end of document. Ctrl + End
Extend selection to end of document. Ctrl + Shift + End
Go to end of display line. Alt + End
Extend selection to end of display line. Alt + Shift + End
Expand or contract a fold point. Ctrl + Keypad '*'
Create or delete a bookmark. Ctrl + F2
Go to next bookmark. F2
Select to next bookmark. Alt + F2
Find selection. Ctrl + F3
Find selection backwards. Ctrl + Shift + F3
Scroll up. Ctrl + Up
Scroll down. Ctrl + Down
Line cut. Ctrl + L
Line copy. Ctrl + Shift + T
Line delete. Ctrl + Shift + L
Line transpose with previous. Ctrl + T
Line duplicate. Ctrl + D
Find matching preprocessor conditional, skipping nested ones. Ctrl + K
Select to matching preprocessor conditional. Ctrl + Shift + K
Find matching preprocessor conditional backwards, skipping nested ones. Ctrl + J
Select to matching preprocessor conditional backwards. Ctrl + Shift + J
Previous paragraph. Shift extends selection. Ctrl + [
Next paragraph. Shift extends selection. Ctrl + ]
Previous word. Shift extends selection. Ctrl + Left
Next word. Shift extends selection. Ctrl + Right
Previous word part. Shift extends selection. Ctrl + /
Next word part. Shift extends selection. Ctrl +


FunctionShortcut Key
New file or project Ctrl + N
Open existing file or project Ctrl + O
Save current file Ctrl + S
Save all files Ctrl + Shift + S
Close current file Ctrl + F4 / Ctrl + W
Close all files Ctrl + Shift + F4 / Ctrl + Shift + W

This is a list of shortcuts provided by the Code::Blocks' tab component. These shortcuts cannot be rebound.

FunctionShortcut Key
Activate next open file Ctrl + Tab
Activate previous open file Ctrl + Shift + Tab


FunctionShortcut Key
Show / hide Messages pane F2
Show / hide Management pane Shift + F2
Move project up (in Project tree) Ctrl + Shift + Up
Move project down (in Project tree) Ctrl + Shift + Down
Activate prior (in Project tree) Alt + F5
Activate next (in Project tree) Alt + F6
Zoom in / out Ctrl + Roll Mouse Wheel
Focus editor CTRL + Alt + E


FunctionShortcut Key
Find Ctrl + F
Find next F3
Find previous Shift + F3
Find in files Crtl + Shift + F
Replace Ctrl + R
Replace in files Ctrl + Shift + R
Goto line Ctrl + G
Goto next changed line Ctrl + F3
Goto previous changed line Ctrl + Shift + F3
Goto file Alt + G
Goto function Ctrl + Alt + G
Goto previous function Ctrl + PgUp
Goto next function Ctrl + PgDn
Goto declaration Ctrl + Shift + .
Goto implementation Ctrl + .
Open include file Ctrl + Alt + .


Word shortcuts pc
FunctionShortcut Key
Build Ctrl + F9
Compile current file Ctrl + Shift + F9
Run Ctrl + F10
Build and Run F9
Rebuild Ctrl + F11


FunctionShortcut Key
Debug F8
Continue debugging Ctrl + F7
Step over a code block F7
Step into a code block Shift + F7
Step out of a code block Ctrl + Shift + F7
Toggle breakpoint F5
Run to cursor F4
Previous error Alt + F1
Next error Alt + F2
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I need to type a character with a bar over it on a mac, is this possible, and how do i do it

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27 Answers

Maybe this will help: http://tlt.its.psu.edu/suggestions/international/accents/codemac.html

I’m not sure what kind of line you need, but I’m assuming it’s a diacritical.

See also this page when combining characters: http://tlt.its.psu.edu/suggestions/international/accents/codemacext.html#combining

thanks for the link but when i do that, it puts a bar to the top right of the letter, not centered above, thanks anyways though

it looks like this

None of these are straight lines but might pass on in a dim room.

á = Opt + e, then a
• é = Opt + e, then e
• í = Opt + e, then i
• ó = Opt + e, then o
• ú = Opt + e, then u
For the ñ, hold down the Option key while you type the n; release and type n again.
• ñ = Opt + n, then n
To place the diaeresis over the u, hold down the Option key while pressing the u key; release and type u again.
û = Opt + i. then û

Robmandu taught me everything I know.

From Apple…

You can use the Character Palette to insert special characters, such as mathematical symbols, letters with accent marks, or arrows and other “dingbats,” into your documents.

You can also use the Character Palette to enter Japanese, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, and Korean characters, as well as characters from other languages.

Open System Preferences and click International. Click Input Menu, then click the checkboxes next to Character Palette and “Show Input menu in menu bar.”

If an application is specifically designed to work with Mac OS X, you can choose Edit > Special Characters to open the Character Palette.

The text above is specific to Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard. Similar info for older versions is available here.

@gailcalled, I dunno if I taught you all those keyboard shortcuts. Nicely done!

I’m sorry, but it continues to drive me a little crazy that @waterskier2007still lists the following items in his Fields of Expertise:

Apple computers, iPhone, iPhone ringtones, Macintosh, mac osx, ipods, itunes, imovie, iweb, iDVD, iLife, pages, keynote, iwork, numbers, MacBook, iMac

I’ll work on getting over it.

gailcalled (54577)“Great Answer” (0) Flag as…
robmandu (21285)“Great Answer” (0) Flag as…

It only works in some applications. TextEdit is good with it. Word is picky about the font used. It works with Lucida Grande. I made a quick video (easier than typing) to show you how in TextEdit.

robmandu (21285)“Great Answer” (0) Flag as…

@jp: That gets my vote for the Oscar for best documentary short done in less than five minutes. Or maybe a McArthur genius grant.

@robmandu oh yeah i should probably take those down considering the fact that I don’t know how to add a bar over the letter. I tried the character palette, font palette. No one else has been able to figure it out so i guess no one here can put anything related to macs in their expertise

robmandu (21285)“Great Answer” (3) Flag as…
gailcalled (54577)“Great Answer” (0) Flag as…

@waterskier2007 : You don’t know me well yet, but if I can do this, anyone can. Rob will confirm th̅̅̅a̅̅t.

@waterskier2007 There are several people who have answered your question. If you’re too incompetent to implement their solutions, that doesn’t mean they haven’t answered the question – it means you’re a dolt.

i have listened to exactly what they said and i showed what happened when i did so it doesnt mean that

“No one else has been able to figure it out so i guess no one here can put anything related to macs in their expertise”

Clearly, these guys have been able to figure it out, and you should be thanking them rather than being a douche.

@waterskier2007 : Go back to the brilliant video johnpowell made ^^. Open it as a separate window and then follow his instructions to the T.

Have you been able to find your “character palette” yet? Jp will give you some arcane code to type in. And as I said, if I can do it, anyone can.

wow, thanks. for some reason when i was first trying to watch the movie it cut out half way right after he opened the character palette, so i thought it was just showing how to open the palette, which i knew how to do

gailcalled (54577)“Great Answer” (0) Flag as…
benseven (3184)“Great Answer” (0) Flag as…

@benseven: If your ear hits control, you’ll find lots of other interesting stuff (if you use a Mac).For example; œ∑´®†πåß∂ƒ©˙∆˚˚¬˚Ω≈ç√∫˜µ≤≤≥≥÷

benseven (3184)“Great Answer” (0) Flag as…
gailcalled (54577)“Great Answer” (0) Flag as…

Smashing Magazine and Ilya Birman teamed up to create a new typography keyboard layout for both Mac and Windows.

The idea is that it should help simplify some of the process for adding accent markings to letters and for inserting special characters like ™, ®, €, §, ↓, ↑, «, », ï, ö, ü, ĭ, ŏ, ŭ, etc.

Microsoft word shortcut keys

It doesn’t offer all possible diacritical marks, and it’s subject to what the current application will allow, but it seems to work pretty okay for me.

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Microsoft Word Keyboard Shortcuts Mac

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